Looking for a way to increase calmness, peace of mind, joy, vibrant health, greater energy, positive relationships and fulfillment in life? Do you wish to be stress-free and worry-free?
Meditation is one of easiest ways to do this that’s backed by an infinite amount of research.
Benefits are endless in all areas of life including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Some examples include:
- blood pressure
- cholesterol levels
- fearful, angry, or painful thoughts that constantly flood the mind
- stress and anxiety
- tension-related pain, such as, tension headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems
- restful sleep
- anti-aging hormone DHEA
- self-understanding
- intuition
- concentration
- serotonin production that improves mood and behavior
- immune system
- energy levels
- creativity
- happiness
How Does This Work?
Research shows meditation actually changes the physical structures of your brain.
There are two parts of our nervous system. Sympathetic is responsible for fight or flight. It senses danger and gets you ready to defend yourself. Parasympathetic is responsible for resting and digesting. It calms you down and repairs daily wear on your body while you’re relaxing and sleeping.
Meditation shuts off the “danger is near, do something!” branch and activates the “chill out, let me clean up the stress and assess your situation from an unclouded perspective” branch. Doing this overtime actually grows the calm circuits of your brain.
Think of lifting weights. The more you do it, the stronger you become.
Same with meditation. The more you do it, the stronger and more effective your calming system becomes.
What you can do
Personally, I wrote multiple papers in graduate school on meditation and read countless books. I was super aware of the benefits, but never tried it because I felt dumb sitting there and it sounded like a fancy process and a bunch of work.
Then I found the app Headspace. You don’t have to do anything. The app is so simple, hitting “play” about the only option. If there’s people around you, just put some headphones in.
It starts with 10min and Andy will tell you exactly what to do the whole time. 🙂 SO EASY!